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Please check vacancy before on-line booking.
Before booking an accommodation find its location in regard to the distance from the planned routes and fishing sites.
When choosing a cabin consider the number of number of persons in your group and capacity of the cabin. If the capacity of a tourist cabin is more than the number of persons in your group you have to pay for at least 60% of the rated capacity.
Please remember that the checking-in/checking out time is 12 a.m. Registration of arriving tourists is done in the visitor centre in the Pjaozerski township in working hours. Should you come after office hours you can stay overnight in hotel:
«Solo» (Pjaozerski, Druzhba, 33, ph.8-814-39-38-601, +7-921-015-04-00).
You can hire our transport to take you from the train to the visitor centre and from there to the cabin in the Park.
Please remember that to rent a boat with an outboard you should produce a license. Owners of personal boats should comply with regulations of the State Inspection of motorboats. It is allowed to use personal boats only at tourist cabins «Olanga Estuary», «The Island», at camping site «Northern Cape» in lake Pjaozero.
Please specify what additional equipment you will need. In winter you can rent in the Park a diesel generator, or skis, or sticks for Scandinavian walk. In the cold season you can have woolen boots free of charge. You can also rent an open grill for barbeque or a closed grill to smoke fish.
Inform us of any specific requirement or wish.
Your on-line booking will be processed within one working day but cannot be a guarantee of your accommodation in the Park. Our officer will call you on the number you have given and confirm the booking.
The booking is considered accepted and confirmed when it is given an order number. We start to accept bookings for the summer season from 10 February with 30% advance payment. From 10 April no advance payment is needed. Bookings for the winter period are accepted from 10 November with 30% advance payment.
The price list is available on our site: Prise list